Sister Rawr's Help Zone!!!
You stare at the building in front of you. "Sister Rawr's Help Zone!!!" The brightly colored sign declares, nestled between plastic tubes snaking in and out of the front walls like a fast food playplace had become overgrown. You don't really know what to expect, you just got a paper in the mail telling you that you could get help here, and... Glancing at your phone, piling bills, debt collectors actively calling you this instant, the worst news around the world curated for your despair delivered right to your eyeballs... Yeah. Yeah, help would be nice.
The door slides open with a chirpy little chime echoing through the open floor plan, revealing a mess of couches, bean bag chairs, ball pits, tubes for children or very short people to crawl through. Several CRT TV's litter the floor, old game consoles hooked to them. You frown. Maybe not the help you need, you couldn't even afford a child if you wanted one. You turn to walk right back out the door only for a shout of "JUST A MINUUUUUTE~!" to make your ears ring, some of the tubes snaking around the ceiling starting to shake and distend with a shape far too large for them.
The shape ping pongs rapidly throughout the tubes, the plastic visibly turning white under the stress before it's original color fades back in. A tube a few feet in front of you starts knocking, and a trap door opens up and a smear of motion falls out, shaking the entire building with it's impact. From the dust rises a nine foot figure clad in a bright cartoon green dinosaur onesie struggling to contain a body clearly far, far too old for it. You don't know how that zipper hasn't flown off and put a hole through the wall of this building and probably several neighboring ones.
The hood is pulled back to reveal fur the color of despair. "WELCOME TO MY HELP ZONE!!! Omigawsh, I can totally smell how much you need it! Come quick!" You don't get time to protest before a paw wrapped in soft felt takes your hand and drags you into a chair almost as overstuffed as Rawr's onesie. "Okay!" She begins after plopping down next to you, heavy ass taking half the couch up and sending you flying a full foot into the air before you fall back to your seat. "Tell big sis what's up!" The decidedly immature looking hound declares, looking down at you expectantly.
You're frankly stunlocked by the whole experience and just start letting every stressor tumble out of your mouth, everything eating away at you. How little savor there exists in the world at all for you, how...
The claw of her onesie taps your lips before you can finish. "Big sis gets it. She knows what you need!" With that declaration, she taps her zipper, which immediately flies down to expose her bare fur beneath. Clouds of her scent fill the air and make your head spin before her paw grips the back of your head and drags it into her cleavage, the rest of you following suit.
You manage to hear a zipper coming back up through the soft flesh vastly overshadowing your head between them. The world is suddenly gone, all there is soft felt and softer fur pressing against you, flesh you can sink into beneath it. Her scent is overpowering, but... It smells like comfort. Like home. You relax without your permission, start to cry softly without your permission as you feel her arms wrap around you from outside the pajamas. Your body shrinks without your permission but her scent is overpowering your ability to comprehend or notice it. To notice your face becoming a muzzle, that soft fur the color of cartoons is covering a body rapidly regrowing its baby fat, and then adding in some more for good measure. Before your entire brain collapses in on itself you hear a zipper unzip again and unceremoniously tumble backwards into the light.
Which goes dark again in moments. You start to flail your little arms in confusion before the hood of your bunny onesie is pushed back, revealing wide innocent eyes. You look at everything like you're seeing it for the first time ever, jaw slack in wonder and awe. Then the vague sense that something is wrong hits you. The vague idea that you're not doing something you should be doing. Tears well up in those eyes as you're completely unable to figure out what you're feeling and why. You can feel the wail welling up in your throat.
Then a big soft paw touches the top of your head. You look up and up and up and up at.. at.. your big sister!!! That's right! That's Rawry! You throw yourself face first against her belly and sob so loud that you can hear every surface in the building shake like glass. She holds you close, gently petting your head the entire time, even as blood starts to pour out of her ears. "Wanna play video games together?" She asks during one of your quieter sobs and the tears evaporate all at once as you cheer "YEAH!!!" in response. Scooped up into her arms she carries you to a big boxy TV, letting you sit in her lap.
You've never seen this game before, you don't think. It looks cool! It's got a really fast blue guy! It's really really hard though, and it makes SUUUUUPER scary music if you go in the purple stuff too long! But big sis is there to keep you safe, gently and patiently explaining what to do. When your tummy growls she pulls an entire air fryer from her cleavage and reveals a basket full of already cooked dino nuggies. When you get sleepy she strokes your hair and coos while you suck the soft thumb of your bunny pajamas paw. When you wake up ready to run she chases you through the tubes! And when you feel something else that you don't really understand, she slides her paw down your pajamas and tells you it's called Horny? You think that's silly, then don't think a lot more while she shows you how to turn horny into feeling good.
All those bad feelings are gone. Why would you need to do anything? Big sis is here to take care of you! She even picks you up and lets you write "AND BUNNY'S!" on her sign next to her name, so everyone knows it's your help zone too!!!
When the door chimes, some old piece of information suddenly comes back to light from the back of your brain. You look up at big sis with shining eyes. "Am I gonna get a playmate, big sis!?" you ask, stomping your feet in excitement.
"Yup! Let's go say hi to her!" She says while ruffling your hair. You both look at the sad man opening the door. "WELCOME TO OUR HELP ZONE!!! Gosh, you look like you need it!" You both bark at once, grabbing at his clothes and dragging him off to an overstuffed couch. You can't WAIT to show your new sister how to make the scary water music stop!