Typhoslion Milf Moments
The young mother grumbled as she picked through the trash of her child's room. She wasn't even halfway through her 30s but she felt ancient. Her back hurt all the time, she still barely got any sleep dealing with a teenager that didn't want to do anything all day. Her friends joked that she was living the MILF lifestyle now but the only thing pregnancy did for her figure was leave her with a paunch. She was as unremarkable as ever, and her husband definitely knew it since it'd been who knows HOW long since they'd last done anything...
Her thoughts were interrupted by a glow coming from the bottom of a pile of snack wrappers that, as far as she was concerned, were evidence that her barely 18 year old daughter was a pothead. Pushing them to the side she found it, a glowing Nintendo DS cartridge. Her old copy of Soul Silver that she'd given to her kid? She frowned, what'd she do to it that it would start glowing?! She was going to have a talk with her about this AND about the drugs that she was DEFINITELY doing...
Picking the game up, the glow became blinding, and reality faded away. The young mother found herself in a white void, an endless expanse of possibility. She saw her entire life laid out in front of her, past present and future. She wanted to scream but found she lacked a mouth, a pair of lungs, or a body of any sort. Nothing but a disembodied mind. She searched desperately for anything to anchor herself to and remembered what brought her here. The copy of Pokemon, the game she remembered playing in HER teen years, how much she loved her Cyndaquil... a body started to form, and she watched her entire life change to match.
Where once was a perfectly normal human girl was born an anthropomorphized Cyndaquil, growing to a teenage Quilava and, embarrassingly enough, evolving into a Typhlosion the first time her husband ever came inside of her. Where she was once plain, she now was the MILF her friends claimed her to be in jest. Hips that required doorframes to be widened, breasts so large and full of milk during her faux-pregnancy that she remembered they had to give it away to friends just to get it out of the fridge once her adopted daughter was old enough...
She blinked her eyes that suddenly existed. ADOPTED daughter!? Looking across her history she found that nothing else had changed, and there's no reason for a Pokemon to give birth to a human, so she and her husband adopted a child at birth instead... her lips quivered. Taking away her child!? Her flesh and blood!? The flame from her back erupted out, burning that version of the past away. She watched a new one form instead, one where she was properly pregnant, where she laid an egg from which hatched her beautiful Cyndaquil daughter.
Watched her grow to the present, currently a Quilava... the void faded away, leaving the cartoon MILF pokemon standing back in a trashed teenager's room. She blinked as human memories faded out of her brain, and reality was set in stone. She was born a pokemon, the only one until her daughter was born. She guessed that was weird for some people, but it was just her life. Memories of a nonexistent sex life faded away too, as her pussy started to grow just as warm as the shoulders that were currently on fire. She looked over the mess and shrugged. Let it be a mess for now. She /had/ to have more eggs. Her and hubby could try until they get a shiny, for all she cared. Leaving a trail of boiling "nectar" on the floor behind her, she left to find her husband and ride him until he had to call off for the weekend...
Across the city, in a park, a young Hellhound grinned at her thicc Quilava friend who just blinked at her. "What? Something on my face?" the hellhound just shook her head, rolling a joint. "Nah. Just pleased that something I wanted to happen did." Lighting the joint in her friend's fire and taking a puff, she passed it to her, waiting until the pokemon's eyes were nice and red before asking "So... think you could introduce me to your mom~?"