Hellhound worldshaper should really be put in the crate for the cosmos' well being
The Hellhound arrives in another freshly formed world, loudly sipping her Infinite McDonalds coke before throwing it over her shoulder onto the pristine landscape. Last time was so fun! What will she do here? She ponders this while throwing chicken nuggets into her mouth.
She ponders for centuries, still eating chicken nuggets. Watches intelligent life evolve on it's own without her influence because she doesn't have any ideas yet. When one finally strikes her. She leaves her mound of boxes atop the highest mountain in all the lands.
She arrives at the capital city of the nearest species, wreathed entirely in her flame and ten stories tall. Horrifying the populace and speaking with a booming voice like a primordial creature of divine creation. She shames them all for still having physical forms.
She was here to welcome them to the heavens but they have yet to abandon their flesh. Pathetic, to so staunchly stick to the arbitrary forms that evolution gave them. She will return in time to see if they are ever worthy of leaving this world. She repeats this with every major population center across the globe before shrinking back to her preferred height, laughing and kicking her footpaws in the air atop her throne of interdimensional fast food trash. What's going to come from this?
Biting into a burger and the time stream at the same time she doggy paddles thousands of years forward. She arrives in a world completely stripped of the concept of nature. Everything cold, lifeless metal, folded into geometric shapes that she doesn't understand the significance. She wreathes herself in her flames again, focusing on being imperceptible as she explores. The first continent she walks through is barren of all signs of life but the cold hum of machinery, the beeps and boops of computer systems signaling to no one.
She finally finds a server cluster that runs across the entire underground of the continent and much of it's surrounding ocean. Within it lay the consciousness of billions of lives. They tired of waiting to be taken to heaven, so they created it. Adorable! She finds the only keyboard and types in "Real original, assholes. - God" and watches as the server racks light up with panicked messages being sent to the outside world. Laughing hysterically she leaves them without any further correspondence, skipping over the seas of coolant.
She arrives at another continent. This one teeming with mechanical life of all shapes and sizes, each turning their sensors at her before they simply slide off, unable to detect her through her flame. They chitter in a machine language her ears don't want to comprehend. She travels to the center of the continent to the largest population center, populated by massive sky scraping beings covered in countless sensors, each individual piece of them with it's own consciousness. Gestalt entities that are entire worlds within themselves.
They chitter in the same machine language but she forces her ears to understand. "The heretics are almost wiped out. It is shameful they have lasted this long."
Heretics, huh? Now THAT sounds fun! She sniffs at the air until she picks up something new. She runs across the coolant seas and trips when she finds her footpads stepping on regular, clean water. Finds an island of greenery and beautiful nature, populated entirely by the same flesh beings she saw at the world's dawn.
They live in mud huts, huddled together and crying. Why must they give up the bodies their mothers gave them for some firey god that will never return? Why must they be hunted so? They've seen the ships in the distance, pouring more coolant into the water so they may travel it. It's only a matter of time until they arrive and slaughter them all. They have no capacity to fight back against the mechanical life forms coming for them. Boring!!! She wants to see some action, dammit. A lightbulb appears over her head and she eats it.
Leaping from the island straight into the upper atmosphere she forms a solid platform of flame and looks out across the cosmos before her eyes before focusing on one star so distant that nobody else could ever hope to see it from her position. She claps her paws excitedly. Focusing every single ounce of her strength she fires a gout of flame across the cosmos, visible from the surface of every planet it passes by the naked eye, which wraps itself around another world she once visited like a lasso. Flexing every muscle at once she gives it a tug.
That planet is sent hurtling through the cosmos before stopping on a dime in perfect orbit around the world she stands on now in a mere matter of hours. The flame beneath her fizzles out and she falls back to the surface, exhausted. She lays in her mechanical crater for a few days, idly eating fries to regain her strength. She sees that in her time idle a gigantic tendril of flesh and bone has extended from the planet she grabbed and landed directly on the heretic island.
The world of exposed flesh and nerve brought into orbit with the world of metal and technology. In the time since she was there last it did finally achieve world peace and a perfect peaceful hivemind of connected organic matter at the expense of eradicating all other material. The worldmind is horrified to be in close contact to a planet made of anathema that once ended it, and even more so to have met a group of organic beings being eradicated simply for being born instead of constructed.
It does not take long before the worlds are at war. Titanic machines clash against pulsating waves of flesh and blood that seek to wriggle their way into every nook and cranny and disable them from within. They cannot communicate so there is no chance for peace, only destruction. The hound watches from her throne of fast food garbage, now reaching the upper atmosphere without need to create a stabilizing platform, flapping her paws in excitement and cheering. After centuries of stalemate however she grows bored.
Throwing a half eaten cup of ice cream to the surface she sighs. Surely there must be something else she can drag here to make it interesting again? Biting open a hole in reality she leaps through, resuming her journey across space and time. She might even remember to come back.